20210524 Church News Briefly
IN PERSON SERVICES: A motion passed at last Thursday's membership meeting stating that we will return to in person services on Sunday, July 4th.
MEMBERS: Kym and Tom Campbell are in the process of settling into their new home in Little Elm, Texas.
READING ROOM: Our Reading Room will be closed next Monday, May 31st for the observance of Memorial Day.
AD HOC COMMITTEE: The first discussion meeting for the Ad Hoc Committee report is scheduled for Thursday evening, June 24th at 7pm. Meeting details will be announced later.
HOUSE COMMITTEE: The House Committee is planning to change the HVAC components of our church from heating to cooling within the next week.
USHERS: Following the recent departure of several members, the Usher Committee would appreciate any additional volunteers. Currently, one usher is needed for each service and
a full complement of ushers will be needed when we begin in person meetings again in July.
Executive Board