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Church Membership

"Church. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.


The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick."                    


 - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, 583:12-19

How to Join Our Church

Church membership provides a wealth of opportunities to grow spiritually, to serve selflessly, and to provide support, comfort, and healing to fellow members, as well as to the broader Albuquerque community. We'd love to have you join our church family. At any of our services ask any usher or the church clerk for an application packet. Or you can download the packet's documents here using the buttons below. These documents include:

1.  A list of references from the Bible and from the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer of Christian Science and the founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist. The citations focus on this Science, the importance of church,  and how you can support it in ways that sustain and enhance its healing mission.

2.  A membership application.


3.  A form to be filled out by members endorsing your application.

Once you have filled out the application, please contact the Clerk
for guidance concerning the endorsement forms. 
Phone 505-256-0462.    Email:

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