by Mary Baker Eddy, Study Edition. Wire-OTM bound
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
- Christ Jesus' words encircling the Cross and Crown seal on this book are a sweet promise that we all possess the ability to heal ourselves, our families, our world. Science and Health explains the spiritual teachings of the Bible, revealing the divine Science that, when understood, brings healing to all aspects of our lives. Author Mary Baker Eddy questioned conventional views about science, theology, and medicine, and spent years searching the Bible for answers. Science and Health is Mrs. Eddy's primary work and the definitive textbook on Christian Science. It is available in multiple editions and formats, including translation into 17 languages, and in audio and electronic formats. It is a timeless resource, offering practical instruction and inspiring ideas. With its strong and flexible spine, this unique paperback is designed to comfortably accommodate frequent study. It opens easily, lies completely flat, folds back on itself, and features a larger type for easier reading.