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Thanksgiving 2024

2024 Thanksgiving Flyer V1.jpg
Zoom information:

If you join by computer or mobile device, click here for direct web access.

If you prefer to dial in by touch-tone or mobile phone, dial 1-346-248-7799, then follow the voice prompts and enter 714 808 315 for meeting ID;

press # for user ID; then 876059 for the passcode.


Questions? Feel free to call our office at 505-256-0462

Thanksgiving Day Order of Service

1. Hymn 73
2. Reading the Thanksgiving Proclamation of the President of the United States, or the Governor of the state, or both.
3. Reading a Scriptural Selection.
4. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation.
5. Hymn 119
6. Reading the Explanatory Note on the first leaf of the Quarterly.
7. Announcing the subject of the Lesson-Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.
8. Responsive Reading by the First Reader and the congregation.
9. Reading the Lesson-Sermon prepared by the Bible Lesson Committee.
10. Solo.
11. Testimonies by Christian Scientists, appropriate for the occasion.
12. Hymn 465
13. Reading the Scientific Statement of Being, and the correlative SCRIPTURE according to I John 3:1–3.
14. Pronouncing Benediction.


No collection is taken at this service.

The services should be preceded and followed by organ or piano music of an appropriate character in all cases where this is possible.

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